Focus Foundation

The Focus Foundation is an independent grant-giving charity funding a wide range of programmes across the UK.  Our purpose is to connect communities to make a positive and lasting change to people’s lives, and one of our primary pillars supports socially or economically underprivileged children & young adults. 

Sadly 4.3 million children are living in poverty in the UK (2019-20) – that’s almost 1 in 3!  Children and young adults living in poverty are more likely to have lower levels of educational outcomes and have significantly greater than average chances of earning lower wages, being unemployed, spending time in prison or becoming a lone parent – thus perpetuating the cycle.  

Although we have a national reach, we have supported many local children’s charities based in the city and within Sussex. For example, the Children with Cancer Fund support families in Sussex who have children under the age of 18 who have had or have cancer. Families who have a child diagnosed with cancer are under a huge amount of pressure and there is a need for someone neutral to speak to, to process their situation. We provided funding to cover 140 counselling sessions for parents whose children have been diagnosed with Cancer.

Every penny donated to Focus Foundation as the official charity partner of this year’s production of Cinderella will be spent supporting charities who look to enhance the lives of children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds in Sussex.